Digital Detox : How I keep my healthy work-life balance

JTB Hawaii Travel, LLC
March 15, 2020
written by Chiaki Crowder

Aloha! I’m Chiaki from the Web Business department!

Today I will introduce one of our employee workshops held in the office. What do you imagine from the word “company workshop” ? Study sessions, sitting and listening for a long time, mandatory participation, maybe boring… something like that would be the first thing comes to mind but wait!

The workshops planned at JTB Hawaii are a bit different!

This time I joined Stretch & Mobility Exercise. Yes, it’s a fun & easy physical activity ! Stretching your body to reduce fatigue and stress peculiar to office work which requires sitting in front of a computer screen all day.

In this workshop I learned light stretching exercises that you can easily do yourself. I could do them not only during work to relaxe around the shoulders, but also before bed at home to loosen whole body so that I can maintain positive attitude towards work.

I also participate in yoga classes after work and weekends.

Since my job required a lot of time on computer and smartphone screens, I try to spend my private time to get outside and connect with nature.
